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Provisions for Drug Insert Sheets and Labels

Commissioner of SFDA

Provisions for Drug Insert Sheets and Labels

(SFDA Decree No.24)

The Provisions for Drug Insert Sheets and Labels, adopted at the executive meeting of the State Food and Drug Administration on March 10, 2006, is hereby promulgated and shall go into effect as of June 1, 2006.

Shao Mingli
Commissioner of SFDA

March 15, 2006

Provisions for Drug Insert Sheets and Labels

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 The Provisions are enacted with a view to regulating drug insert sheets and labels in accordance with the Drug Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Regulations for Implementation of the Drug Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China.

Article 2 The insert sheets and labels of drugs marketed within the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall meet the requirements of the Provisions.

Article 3 Drug insert sheets and labels shall be reviewed and approved by the State Food and Drug Administration.

A drug shall be labeled on the basis of its insert sheet. The content of the label shall be within the scope of the insert sheet. Any words and marks with implied therapeutic effects, misleading information on usage, or inappropriate promotion of the product shall not be printed.

Article 4 A drug label shall be printed on or affixed to the drug package, and no other written words, audio and/or visual materials or other information are attached to introduce or publicize the product or the enterprise.

An insert sheet shall be attached to the smallest package provided by the drug manufacturer for marketing.

Article 5 The wording in drug insert sheets and labels shall be scientific, standardized and accurate. The insert sheet of a non-prescription drug shall be written intelligibly and convenient for patients to judge, choose and use the drug on their own.

Article 6 In the label or insert sheet, the letters or characters shall be clear and easy to be recognized and the marks shall be clear and distinctive. The label and insert sheet shall have no print faded and shall not be affixed unsteadily. Any addition or modification shall not be made by means of pasting, cutting or altering.

Article 7 Drug insert sheets and labels shall be written in standardized Chinese characters published by the National Language Commission. The versions in other languages shall comply with the Chinese version.

Article 8 With the aim to protect public health and direct the rational use of drugs, drug manufacturers may voluntarily apply to add warnings to drug insert sheets or labels. The State Food and Drug Administration may also request drug manufacturers to add warnings to drug insert sheets or labels.

Chapter II Drug Insert Sheet

Article 9 A drug insert sheet shall include the significant scientific data, conclusions and information concerning drug safety and efficacy in order to direct the safe and rational use of drugs. The specific format, content and writing requirements of drug insert sheet shall be prescribed and issued by the State Food and Drug Administration.

Article 10 Disease names, pharmaceutical terms, drug names, the names and results of clinical testing in drug insert sheets shall be expressed in professional terms published or standardized by the State. The units of measurement shall conform to the national standards.

Article 11 All the active ingredients or medicinal ingredients of traditional Chinese medicines in a prescription shall be listed in the insert sheet. For injections and non-prescription drugs, all excipients shall be listed as well.

The ingredients or excipients included in a prescription, which may cause severe adverse reaction, shall be specified.

Article 12 A drug manufacturer shall trace the safety and efficacy of its marketed drugs. For any modification to the insert sheet, an application shall be submitted timely.

The State Food and Drug Administration may also require a drug manufacturer to make modification to the insert sheet on the basis of the results of adverse drug reaction monitoring and drug re-evaluation.

Article 13 After the modification to the insert sheet is approved, the drug manufacturer shall inform relevant drug distributors, drug users and other departments of the modified content immediately, and use the modified insert sheet and label timely as required.

Article 14 The insert sheet shall provide full information on adverse drug reaction and indicate the adverse reactions in detail. A drug manufacturer, who fails to timely modify the insert sheet on the basis of the safety and efficacy data of the marketed drug or to fully explain the adverse reaction in the insert sheet, shall be liable for all the consequences arising therefrom.

Article 15 The approval date and the modification date shall be distinctively shown in the insert sheet.

Chapter III Drug Labels

Article 16 Drug labels refer to the information printed or pasted on drug packaging, including inner labels and outer labels. Inner labels refer to those that appear on immediate packaging; outer labels are those on the other packaging outside of inner labels.

Article 17 The inner label shall bear such drug information as the adopted name in China, indications or functions, strength, dose and usage, production date, batch number, expiry date and manufacturer. If there is no enough space in the package to include all the information mentioned above, the adopted name in China, strength, batch number and expiry date shall be indicated at least.

Article 18 The outer label of a drug shall indicate such information as the adopted name in China, ingredients, description, indications or functions, strength, dose and usage, adverse reactions, contraindications, precautions, storage, production date, batch number, expiry date, approval number and manufacturer. Where indications or functions, dose and usage, adverse reactions, contraindications and precautions cannot be fully noted, main information plus a “See drug insert sheet for details.” notice shall be indicated.

Article 19 The label on the package for transportation and storage shall bear at least the adopted name in China, strength, storage, production date, batch number, expiry date, approval number and manufacturer. Other information such as packaging quantity, precautions for transportation or other marks may be included when necessary.

Article 20 The label for drug substance shall include the adopted name in China, storage, production date, batch number, expiry date, applied specifications, approval number and manufacturer. Other necessary information such as packaging quantity and precautions for transportation shall also be indicated.

Article 21 Where one drug produced by a manufacturer has the same drug strength and packaging specification, the content, format and color of its labels must be the same. Where one drug produced by a manufacturer has different drug strengths or packaging specifications, its labels shall be clearly distinguished from one another, or its specifications shall be notably marked in the corresponding specification items.

Where a drug produced by a manufacturer is administrated as prescription drug and non-prescription drug respectively, their packaging colors shall be distinctly different.

Article 22 For drugs with special requirements on storage, its requirements shall be marked in the notable place of the label.

Article 23 The expiry date in the drug label shall appear in the order of year, month and day, with year shown in four digits, month and day in two digits. Its specific format shall be “Valid till XXXX year XX month” or “Valid till XXXX year XX month XX day”. It may be presented with numbers and other symbols as “Valid till XXXX.XX.” or “Valid till XXXX/XX/XX”.

For the preventive biological product, the expiry date shall be labeled according to the registration specifications approved by the State Food and Drug Administration. The expiry date of the biological product for therapeutic use shall be counted from the filling date. For other drugs, the expiry date shall be counted from the production date.

Where the expiry date is labeled to the day, it shall be marked as one day earlier than the actual expiry date; where the expiry date is labeled to the month, it shall be marked as one month earlier than the actual expiry month.

Chapter IV Use of Drug Name and Registered Trademark

Article 24 The drug name in insert sheets and labels shall conform to the nomenclature principles on the adopted name in China and trade name of drug announced by the State Food and Drug Administration, and shall be consistent with those appeared in the approval documents of the drug.

Article 25 The adopted name in China shall be conspicuous and prominent, and its typeface, size and color shall be consistent, and meet the following requirements:
(1) For horizontal labels, the adopted name in China shall appear in a prominent position within the area of the upper one-third of the label; for vertical labels, it shall appear in a prominent position within the area of the right one-third of the label;
(2) No such illegible typefaces as cursive characters and seal characters shall be used, and no such format as italics, margining and shading shall be used to modify the typefaces.
(3) The font color of the adopted name in China shall be black or white, in sharp contrast to the light-colored or dark-colored background respectively.
(4) Writing in separate lines shall be avoided unless limited by the packaging size.

Article 26 The trade name of a drug shall not be placed in the same line with the adopted name in China; its typeface and color shall be no more conspicuous than that of the adopted name in China, and its font area per character shall be no bigger than half of that of the adopted name in China.

Article 27 Unregistered trademarks and other drug names unapproved by the State Food and Drug Administration shall not be used in the drug insert sheets and labels.

Where a registered trademark is used in a drug label, it shall be printed in a corner of the label. Where a registered trademark contains characters, the font area per character shall be no bigger than a quarter of that of the adopted name in China.

Chapter V Other Provisions

Article 28 For narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, medicinal toxic drugs, radioactive pharmaceuticals, drugs for topical use, non-prescription drugs and other drugs having special marks specified by the State, their special marks shall be printed in the drug insert sheets and labels.
Where there are special provisions issued by the State for drug insert sheets and labels, they shall prevail.

Article 29 The labeling provisions for Chinese crude drugs and prepared slices of Chinese crude drugs shall be formulated separately by the State Food and Drug Administration.

Article 30 Where drug insert sheets and labels are not in compliance with the Provisions, a punishment shall be imposed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Drug Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 31 These Provisions shall come into force as of June 1, 2006. the Provisions for Drug Packaging, Labels and Insert Sheets (Provisional) issued by State Food and Drug Administration on October 15, 2005 shall be annulled therefrom.


商务部 香港特别行政区财政司








1. 每年6月1日前,香港工业贸易署应将其分别汇总的货物名称、生产能力或预计生产情况的资料和数据提交商务部。
2. 商务部在收到香港工业贸易署提交的上述材料后,应会同内地有关部门与香港工业贸易署在当年8月1日前共同核定和确认货物清单。
3. 货物清单确认后,海关总署应与香港工业贸易署就有关货物的原产地标准进行磋商。双方应于当年10月1日前完成原产地标准的磋商。
1. 对香港现有生产的货物,根据双方达成的一致意见,内地将货物清单及相应的原产地标准分别补充列入本附件表1和附件2表1。自完成磋商后第二年1月1日起,内地根据香港发证机构签发的原产地证书,准予有关货物按照《安排》零关税进口。
2. 对拟生产的货物,根据双方达成的一致意见,内地应将有关货物的原产地标准补充列入附件2表1。申请企业正式投产后,经香港工业贸易署和香港海关核查,由香港工业贸易署通知商务部,经双方共同确认,内地将有关货物清单补充列入本附件表1。自双方确认后第二年1月1日起,内地根据香港发证机构签发的原产地证书,准予有关货物按照《安排》零关税进口。
3. 双方应于每年12月1日前公布磋商确认的货物清单及原产地标准。




中华人民共和国商务部副部长 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区财政司司长


序号 内地 2001年 税则号列 货 名 内地2003年最惠国税率 内地2004年《安排》税率
1 21050000 冰淇淋及其他冰制食品不论是否含可可 24.2 0
2 27100054 润滑油 6.0 0
3 28433000 金化合物 5.5 0
4 30041011 氨苄青霉素制剂 6.0 0
5 30041012 羟氨苄青霉素制剂 6.0 0
6 30041013 青霉素V制剂 6.0 0
7 30041019 其他青霉素 6.0 0
8 30041090 其他已配剂量含有青霉素或链霉素药品 6.0 0
9 30049054 清凉油 3.0 0
10 30049059 其他中式成药 3.0 0
11 30049090 已配定剂量的药品 4.0 0
12 32041600 活性染料及以其为基本成分的制品 9.6 0
13 32041700 颜料及以其为基本成分的制品 6.5 0
14 32064900 其他无机着色料及其制品 6.5 0
15 32081000 溶于非水介质的聚酯油漆及清漆等 10.0 0
16 32089090 溶于非水介质其他油漆、清漆溶液 10.0 0
17 32100000 其他油漆及清漆;皮革用水性颜料 10.0 0
18 32151900 其他印刷油墨 8.2 0
19 33029000 其他工业用混合香料及香料混合物 21.7 0
20 33030000 香水及花露水 18.3 0
21 33041000 唇用化妆品 18.3 0
22 33042000 眼用化妆品 18.3 0
23 33043000 指(趾)甲化妆品 21.7 0
24 33049900 其他美容化妆品 22.3 0
25 35069900 其他未列名的调制胶、粘合剂 15.0 0
26 38099100 纺织工业用其他未列名产品和制剂 6.5 0
27 38249090 其他未列名的化学品 6.5 0
28 39031900 初级形状的其他聚苯乙烯 11.8 0
29 39042200 初级形状已塑化的聚氯乙烯 11.8 0
30 39151000 乙烯聚合物的废碎料及下脚料 11.8 0
31 39152000 苯乙烯聚合物的废碎料及下脚料 11.8 0
32 39153000 氯乙烯聚合物的废碎料及下脚料 11.8 0
33 39159000 其他塑料的废碎料及下脚料 11.8 0
34 39204100 硬质聚氯乙烯板、片、膜、箔及扁条 10.4 0
35 39204200 软质聚氯乙烯板、片、膜、箔及扁条 10.4 0
36 39209990 其他塑料制的非泡沫塑料板片 8.4 0
37 39211210 泡沫聚氯乙烯人造革及合成革 12.7 0
38 39231000 塑料制盒、箱及类似品 12.0 0
39 39232900 其他塑料制的袋及包 12.0 0
40 39239000 供运输或包装货物用其他塑料制品 12.0 0
41 39269010 塑料制机器及仪器用零件 10.0 0
42 39269090 其他塑料制品 12.0 0
43 41041000 面积≤2.6平米的整张牛皮革 6.4 0
44 41043990 其他牛皮革、马皮革 7.2 0
45 48051000 半化学的瓦楞纸(瓦楞原纸) 10.4 0
46 48056000 其他未经涂布薄纸及纸板 6.3 0
47 48058000 其他未经涂布厚纸及纸板 10.4 0
48 48101200 涂无机物的厚书写、印刷纸、纸板 7.0 0
49 48102900 其他涂无机物的书写、印刷纸及纸板 7.0 0
50 48109100 其他涂无机物的多层纸及纸板 7.0 0
51 48119000 其他经涂布、浸渍、覆盖的纸及纸板 7.5 0
52 48191000 瓦楞纸或纸板制的箱、盒、匣 11.7 0
53 48192000 非瓦楞纸或纸板制可折叠箱、盒、匣 11.7 0
54 48211000 纸或纸板印制的各种标签 10.0 0
55 48239090 其他纸及纸制品 13.3 0
56 49111090 其他商业广告品及类似印刷品 7.5 0
57 49119900 其他印刷品 7.5 0
58 50072019 其他纯桑蚕丝机织物 13.4 0
59 51071000 非供零售用精梳纯羊毛纱线 8.0 0
60 51121900 重量>200g/平米精梳全毛布 16.7 0
61 52051100 非零售粗梳粗支纯棉单纱 5.0 0
62 52051200 非零售粗梳中支纯棉单纱 5.0 0
63 52052200 非零售精梳中支纯棉单纱 5.0 0
64 52053200 非零售粗梳中支纯棉多股纱 5.0 0
65 52054200 非零售精梳中支纯棉多股纱 5.0 0
66 52083200 染色的较轻质全棉平纹布 10.0 0
67 52083300 染色的轻质全棉三、四线斜纹布 10.0 0
68 52083900 染色的轻质其他全棉机织物 10.0 0
69 52084200 色织的较轻质全棉平纹布 10.0 0
70 52084900 色织的轻质其他全棉机织物 10.0 0
71 52091200 未漂白重质全棉三、四线斜纹布 11.8 0
72 52093100 染色的重质全棉平纹布 11.8 0
73 52093200 染色的重质全棉三、四线斜纹布 11.8 0
74 52093900 染色的重质其他全棉机织物 11.8 0
75 52094100 色织的重质全棉平纹布 11.8 0
76 52094200 色织的重质全棉粗斜纹布(劳动布) 10.0 0
77 52094300 色织的重质全棉三、四线斜纹布 11.8 0
78 52103100 与化纤混纺染色的轻质平纹棉布 12.6 0
79 53091900 其他全亚麻机织物 12.4 0
80 53092900 其他混纺亚麻机织物 12.4 0
81 54011010 非供零售用合成纤维长丝缝纫线 8.2 0
82 54074200 染色的纯尼龙布 18.7 0
83 54074300 色织的纯尼龙布 18.7 0
84 54075200 染色的纯聚酯变形长丝布 18.7 0
85 54076100 其他纯聚酯非变形长丝布 18.7 0
86 54077200 染色的其他纯合成纤维长丝布 18.7 0
87 54079200 染色的其他混纺合成纤维布 18.7 0
88 55081000 合成纤维短纤纺制的缝纫线 11.0 0
89 55093200 非零售纯聚丙烯腈短纤多股纱线 11.0 0
90 55121900 其他纯聚酯布 18.7 0
91 55129900 其他纯合成纤维布 18.7 0
92 55132100 与棉混纺染色的轻质聚酯平纹布 18.7 0
93 55161200 染色的纯人造纤维短纤布 17.3 0
94 58012200 割绒的棉制灯芯绒 12.5 0
95 58042100 化纤机制花边 17.3 0
96 58062000 含弹性纱线≥5%的狭幅织物 16.7 0
97 58071000 机织非绣制纺织材料标签、徽章等 16.7 0
98 59031020 用聚氯乙烯浸、涂的人造革 13.0 0
99 59031090 用聚氯乙烯浸、涂的其他纺织物 13.2 0
100 59032090 用聚氨基甲酸酯浸、涂的其他纺织物 13.2 0
101 59039090 用其他塑料浸、涂的其他纺织物 13.2 0
102 60019200 化纤制针织或钩编起绒织物 16.0 0
103 60023010 宽>30cm弹性棉针织、钩编织物 12.5 0
104 60023090 宽>30cm其他弹性纺织材料针织、钩编织物 16.0 0
105 60024200 棉制经编织物 12.5 0
106 60029200 棉制其他针织或钩编织物 12.5 0
107 60029300 化纤制其他针织或钩编织物 16.0 0
108 61046200 棉制针织或钩编女长裤、工装裤等 17.7 0
109 61051000 棉制针织或钩编男衬衫 17.7 0
110 61052000 化学纤维制针织或钩编的男衬衫 21.3 0
111 61059000 其他纺织材料制针织或钩编的男衬衫 20.5 0
112 61061000 棉制针织或钩编女衬衫 17.7 0
113 61062000 化纤制针织或钩编女衬衫 21.3 0
114 61069000 其他纺织材料制针织或钩编的女衬衫 20.5 0
115 61071100 棉制针织或钩编男内裤及三角裤 16.3 0
116 61083100 棉制针织或钩编女睡衣及睡衣裤 16.3 0
117 61091000 棉制针织或钩编T恤衫、汗衫等 16.3 0
118 61099090 其他纺织材料制针织或钩编T恤衫、汗衫等 19.5 0
119 61101010 羊绒制针织或钩编套头衫等 19.5 0
120 61101020 羊毛制针织或钩编套头衫等 19.5 0
121 61101030 兔毛制针织或钩编套头衫等 19.5 0
122 61101090 其他毛制针织或钩编套头衫等 19.5 0
123 61102000 棉制针织或钩编套头衫等 14.0 0
124 61103000 化纤制针织或钩编套头衫等 19.0 0
125 61109010 丝及绢丝制针织或钩编套头衫等 19.5 0
126 61109090 其他纺织材料制针织或钩编套头衫等 19.5 0
127 61112000 棉制针织或钩编婴儿服装及附件 16.3 0
128 61179000 其他纺织材料针织或钩编衣着零件 19.5 0
129 62034210 棉制男式阿拉伯裤 18.5 0
130 62034290 棉制男式长裤、工装裤等 18.5 0
131 62043200 棉制女式上衣 17.7 0
132 62043300 合纤制女式上衣 21.3 0
133 62045200 棉制裙子及裙裤 16.3 0
134 62046200 棉制女式长裤、工装裤等 17.7 0
135 62046300 合纤制女式长裤、工装裤等 21.3 0
136 62052000 棉制男衬衫 17.7 0
137 62053000 人纤制男衬衫 20.5 0
138 62059090 其他纺织材料制男衬衫 20.5 0
139 62063000 棉制女衬衫 17.7 0
140 62064000 化纤制女衬衫 21.3 0
141 62069000 其他纺织材料制女衬衫 20.5 0
142 62082200 化纤制女式睡衣及睡衣裤 19.0 0
143 62179000 非针织非钩编服装或衣着零件 19.5 0
144 63025190 棉制其他餐桌用织物制品 16.3 0
145 64069900 其他材料制鞋靴、护腿等零件 17.0 0
146 70195900 其他玻璃纤维机织物 12.0 0
147 70200011 导电玻璃 10.5 0
148 71023100 未加工或简单加工非工业用钻石 3.0 0
149 71131100 银首饰及其零件 26.7 0
150 71131910 黄金制首饰及其零件 26.7 0
151 71131990 其他贵金属制首饰及其零件 35.0 0
152 71132000 以贱金属为底的包贵金属制首饰 35.0 0
153 71141100 银器及零件 35.0 0
154 71141900 其他贵金属制金银器及零件 35.0 0
155 71142000 以贱金属为底的包贵金属制金银器 35.0 0
156 71151000 金属丝布或格栅状的铂催化剂 3.0 0
157 71159010 工业或实验室用贵或包贵金属制品 3.0 0
158 71159090 其他用途的贵或包贵金属制品 35.0 0
159 71161000 天然或养殖珍珠制品 35.0 0
160 71162000 宝石或半宝石制品 35.0 0
161 71171100 贱金属制袖扣、饰扣 35.0 0
162 71171900 其他贱金属制仿首饰 24.7 0
163 71179000 未列名材料制仿首饰 35.0 0
164 73181500 其他螺钉及螺栓 8.0 0
165 73269090 其他非工业用钢铁制品 10.4 0
166 74040000 铜废碎料 1.5 0
167 74081900 截面尺寸≤6mm的精炼铜丝 4.0 0
168 74092100 成卷的黄铜板、片、带 7.0 0
169 74092900 其他黄铜板、片、带 7.0 0
170 74099000 其他铜合金板、片、带 7.0 0
171 74101100 无衬背的精炼铜箔 4.0 0
172 74102100 有衬背的精炼铜箔 4.0 0
173 76011000 未锻轧纯铝 5.0 0
174 76020000 铝废碎料 1.5 0
175 76061190 纯铝制矩形的其他板、片及带 6.0 0
176 76061240 厚度>0.35mm的铝合金制矩形铝板片带 6.0 0
177 76069100 纯铝制非矩形的板、片及带 6.0 0
178 76069200 铝合金制非矩形的板、片及带 10.0 0
179 80030000 锡及锡合金条、杆、型材、丝 8.0 0
180 83089000 贱金属制珠子及亮晶片 10.5 0
181 84159010 制冷量≤4千大卡/时等空调的零件 10.0 0
182 84435990 其它印刷机 8.0 0
183 84514000 洗涤、漂白或染色机器 8.4 0
184 84518000 税号84.51所列其他未列名的机器 12.0 0
185 84798962 自动贴片机 3.6 0
186 84804100 金属、硬质合金用注模或压模 8.0 0
187 84807900 塑料或橡胶用其他型模 5.0 0
188 84818019 其他未列名阀门 7.0 0
189 84821000 滚珠轴承 8.0 0
190 85011010 输出功率≤37.5W玩具电动机 24.5 0
191 85011091 机座20mm≤直径<39mm微电机 11.2 0
192 85011099 其他输出功率≤37.5W微电机 9.0 0
193 85013100 输出功率≤750瓦直流电动机、发电机 12.0 0
194 85030010 玩具用电动机微电机零件 12.0 0
195 85030020 输出功率>350MVA交流发电机零件 3.0 0
196 85030030 风力驱动发电机组的零件 3.0 0
197 85030090 其他电动机、发电机(组)零件 8.0 0
198 85043190 额定容量≤1KVA的其他变压器 7.2 0
199 85044090 其他未列名静止式变流器 10.0 0
200 85049019 其他变压器零件 8.0 0
201 85049090 其他静止式变流器及电感器零件 8.0 0
202 85051190 其他金属的永磁体 7.0 0
203 85051900 非金属永磁体 7.0 0
204 85061000 二氧化锰的原电池及原电池组 20.0 0
205 85068000 其他原电池及原电池组 14.0 0
206 85073000 镍镉蓄电池 10.0 0
207 85078010 镍氢电池 12.0 0
208 85079010 铅酸蓄电池零件 10.0 0
209 85079090 其他蓄电池零件 8.0 0
210 85089000 手提式电动工具的零件 6.6 0
211 85099000 家用电动器具的零件 12.0 0
212 85139010 手电筒零件 14.0 0
213 85139090 其他自供能源手提式电灯零件 14.0 0
214 85152110 直缝焊管机 10.0 0
215 85152190 其他全自动或半自动电阻焊接机 10.0 0
216 85158000 其他焊接机器及装置 8.0 0
217 85169010 土壤加热器及加热电阻器零件 8.0 0
218 85169090 税号85.16所列货品的其他零件 14.6 0
219 85181000 传声器(麦克风)及其座架 10.0 0
220 85189000 税号85.18所列货品的零件 10.5 0
221 85221000 拾音头 35.0 0
222 85229010 转盘或唱机用零附件 27.0 0
223 85229021 录音机走带机构(机芯) 27.0 0
224 85229030 其他视频信号录放设备的零件附件 30.0 0
225 85229090 税号85.19至85.21所列设备其他零件 20.0 0
226 85239000 其他供录制声音等信息未录制媒体 8.3 0
227 85291010 雷达及无线电导航设备天线及零件 1.5 0
228 85299030 对讲机零件 8.0 0
229 85299049 其他用途电视摄像机零件 12.0 0
230 85299060 收音机及其组合机的其他零件 15.0 0
231 85299090 税号85.25至85.28所列设备的零件 4.0 0
232 85318010 蜂鸣器 15.0 0
233 85361000 熔断器(电压≤1000V) 10.0 0
234 85364900 电压>60V的继电器 10.0 0
235 85371010 其他数控装置 5.0 0
236 85371090 其他电力控制或分配的装置 8.4 0
237 85372090 其他电力控制或分配装置 8.4 0
238 85389000 税号85.35、85.36或85.37装置的零件 7.0 0
239 85392991 电压≤12V未列名的白炽灯泡 12.0 0
240 85404000 点距<0.4mm彩色数据/图形显示管 8.0 0
241 85441100 铜制绕组电线 10.0 0
242 85444190 耐压≤80V有接头电导体 4.0 0
243 85445190 1000V≥耐压>80V有接头电导体 7.0 0
244 85445990 1000V≥耐压>80V无接头电导体 13.8 0
245 90011000 光导纤维束及光缆 7.0 0
246 90012000 偏振材料制的片及板 8.0 0
247 90019000 税号90.01未列名的其他光学元件 8.0 0
248 90021990 税号90.02未列名的其他物镜 15.0 0
249 90069110 特种用途照相机的零附件 8.0 0
250 90069120 一次成像照相机的零附件 5.0 0
251 90069191 照相机自动调焦组件 10.0 0
252 90069192 其他照相机的快门组件 10.0 0
253 90069199 其他照相机的其他零附件 10.0 0
254 90138010 放大镜 12.0 0
255 90138090 其他液晶装置及光学仪器 5.0 0
256 90139010 激光器、望远镜等装置的零附件 6.0 0
257 90139090 税号90.13所列其他货品的零附件 8.0 0
258 90318090 未列名测量、检验仪器器具及机器 5.0 0
259 91021100 机械指示式的其他电子手表 15.0 0
260 91021200 光电显示式的其他电子手表 23.0 0
261 91031000 以表芯装成的电子钟 23.0 0
262 91051100 电子闹钟 23.0 0
263 91081100 已组装的机械指示式完整电子表芯 16.0 0
264 91081200 已组装的光电显示式完整电子表芯 16.0 0
265 91081900 其他已组装的完整电子表芯 16.0 0
266 91089900 其他已组装完整机械表芯 16.0 0
267 91112000 贱金属制的表壳 14.0 0
268 91132000 贱金属制的表带及其零件 14.0 0
269 91149000 钟、表的其他零件 14.0 0
270 95039000 其他未列名玩具 7.0 0
271 96062200 金属制钮扣 17.0 0
272 96071100 装有贱金属齿的拉链 21.0 0
273 96071900 其他拉链 21.0 0


序号 内地HS01 货 名 2003年 税率 方案2004年 税率
1 21050000 冰淇淋及其他冰制食品不论是否含可可 24.2 0
2 33030000 香水及花露水 18.3 0
3 33041000 唇用化妆品 18.3 0
4 33042000 眼用化妆品 18.3 0
5 33043000 指(趾)甲化妆品 21.7 0
6 33049900 其他美容化妆品 22.3 0
7 61046200 棉制针织或钩编的女式长裤、护胸背带工装裤、 17.7 0
8 61052000 化学纤维制针织或钩编的男衬衫 21.3 0
9 61059000 其他纺织材料制针织或钩编的男衬衫 20.5 0
10 61069000 其他纺织材料制针织或钩编的女衬衫 20.5 0
11 61099090 其他纺织材料制针织或钩编的T恤衫、汗衫及其 19.5 0
12 74092100 成卷的黄铜板、片、带 7.0 0
13 74092900 其他黄铜板、片、带 7.0 0
14 76061190 纯铝制矩形的其他板、片及带 6.0 0
15 76061240 厚度≥0.35mm的铝合金制矩形铝板片带 6.0 0
16 91021100 机械指示式的其他电子手表 15.0 0
17 91021200 光电显示式的其他电子手表 25.0 0
18 91031000 以表芯装成的电子钟 25.0 0
19 91051100 电子闹钟 25.0 0



原序号 内地HS01 货 名 2003年 税率 方案 2004年 税率
1 27100013 石脑油 6.0 0
3 27111990 其他液化石油气及烃类气 3.0 0
5 29309090 其他有机硫化合物 6.5 0
26 39033000 丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物 11.8 0
27 39041000 初级形状的纯聚氯乙烯 11.8 0
29 39072000 初级形状的其他聚醚 11.8 0
30 39074000 初级形状的聚碳酸酯 8.4 0
45 41042900 其他经鞣制或复鞣的马皮革、牛皮革 6.4 0
46 41043100 全粒面革和全粒面剖层皮革 6.2 0
48 41051900 其他经鞣制或复鞣的绵羊或羔羊皮 7.2 0
94 55099100 非零售与毛混纺其他合成纤维短纤纱线 11.0 0
176 82122000 安全剃刀片 14.0 0
179 84261942 集装箱装卸桥 10.0 0
184 84798990 本章其他税号未列名机器及机械器具 3.6 0
231 85312000 有液晶装置或发光管的显示板 4.0 0
240 85401100 彩色阴极射线电视显像管 12.0 0
242 85438990 未列名的电气设备及装置 3.6 0
247 85489000 85章其他未列名的电气零件 12.0 0
252 90066200 闪光灯泡、方形闪光灯及类似品 18.0 0
